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Production elements

Sometimes we struggle to finish the song or to craft the sound that we are after. It's completely normal, don't get frustrated. Ask yourself our exemplar questions and find an answer below:


  • Do you feel that your drums are weak and could use some reinforcement, but you don't have or don't know which samples to use?

  • Maybe you don't have a great guitar amp, cabinet and microphones to track your guitar with?

  • Your song lacks excitement and movement, even though the tones are great?


You seek PRODUCTION assistance. 



Production is a VERY vast term and a difficult process, but I'm more than happy to help. The main services that I can provide are:


- helping to decide on song structure

- composing additional layers or helping to compose main themes

- deciding on drum, guitar and bass sound

- adding special effects on vocals 

- adding so called ear-candies to make listening to your song immersive and exciting


I have full variety of virtual instruments and samples. Here's a list of SOME of them (ask if you need anything specific):


Slate Trigger Platinum2 with over 80GB of samples (multi layered and one shots) made by Bogren Digital, Drumforge, GGD, Mixwave, George Lever, Slate Trigger Platinum package and others.

Drum samplers made by: Toontrack, GetGoodDrums, Mixwave, Drumforge, Room Sound, Ugritone

Orchestral and other instruments made by: Spitfire Audio, Heavyocity, Toontrack, 8dio, Native Instruments, Submission Audio, Odeholm Audio, Fabfilter, Plugin Alliance. 


We don't offer tracking services.


I'm also open to expand the collection if needed :)

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